The Edible Valley Podcast

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Episode 121 "What is Dine Around Comox Valley"
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Dine Around began an event for local restaurants to showcase some great local products with value conscious pricing during a traditionally slower time of year for the hospitality industry. It has now grown to encompass pubs, bistros, hotels, vineyards, distillers, resorts and more. It's bordering a sort of 'diners festival'. There's seminars and classes, pub tours, wine tours, special accommodation packages and of course, dining! Tonight we have 3 members that sit on the Dine Around Comox Valley board, to tell all of you about the great food and amazing experiences that await you for Dine Around 2017. Chef Ronald St. Pierre, Trish St. Pierre, and Sandra Viney (who happen to be the owners of Locals Restaurant and Atlas Cafe, respectively), are a wealth of information for this, the 8th annual Dine Around Comox Valley!
For more info on the event Check out Comox Valley Dine Around

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Episode 120 "What's for Valentines Day"
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Valentine's Day, with such a great time to have a meal with a loved one. Jonathan and Darren take time to discuss some great food and meal options to help create a romantic evening.

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Episode 112 "Tales from Flavour 2016"
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Finally after a long wait: Flavour - The North Vancouver Island Picnic! We were lucky to have Darren walk the grounds of Flavour while recording interviews with many exibitors and guest to find out who they were, what they brought and why they were there. Please enjoy, we sure did.

Monday Aug 15, 2016
Episode 106 "The North Vancouver Islands Gourmet Picnic , 2016 Flavour"
Monday Aug 15, 2016
Monday Aug 15, 2016
the Comox Valley’s fourth Flavour Festival approaching quickly, Chef Jonathan
Frazier and Darren Howlett have the chance to sit down with organizer and executive director of the
North Island College Foundation, Susan Auchterlonie. This event is returning after a year long
hiatus, and we talked about all the exciting plans that will occur at this year’s
highly anticipated festival.
As always this festival
allows the Comox Valley to showcase its finest
chefs, vintners, farmers and producers in support
of education and culinary culture in our community. If you are one of the lucky
500 people that were able to get a ticket (it sold out in five minutes), you’ll
definitely have a memorable time and we look forward to seeing you there!

Monday Aug 01, 2016
Episode 104 "More Garlic"
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
GARLIC pt2! Following up with everything garlic in our lastepisode (and with the Garlic Festival just around the corner), Arzeena Hamir returns togo into greater detail about the variety of flavours and textures of this keyingredient; growing techniques, and choices you have when considering yourgarlic. She speaks of the benefits of eating our locally produced vs. imported types,local strains and varieties, and the methods required to grow your own hearty garlic.It’s always a treat to have such a passionate and compelling proponent of localfarming in the studio for this podcast - listen in and let us know what youthink!

Monday Jul 25, 2016
Episode 103" 2016 Garlic Festival"
Monday Jul 25, 2016
Monday Jul 25, 2016
GARLIC! Tonight we sit down with the ever lovely Arzeena
Hamir of Amara Farms and Craig Freeman of the Merville Hall to talk garlic.
With the Garlic Festival just around the corner, there is just so much to
cover! Arzeena has so much to say about flavours, strengths, varietals, and
more, and really gets to the heart of why there needs to be an annual Garlic
Festival. Craig then walks us through the reinvigorated Merville Hall and lays
out their accomplishments and ambitions – not the least of which is hosting
this great event! You are not going to want to miss this event – listen in for
all of the details!

Monday Jul 18, 2016
Episode 102 "Comox Valley Farmers Market and using Local Food"
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Today Chef Jonathan Frazier and Darren Howlett had the wonderful opportunity to sit with Vickey Brown of the Comox Valley Farmers Market, Sue Smith formerly of Beyond the Kitchen Door and Chef/President Leslie Stav of North Vancouver Island Chef's Assosciation. In a lively discussion about the direction and future of Comox Valley Farmers Markets, we discuss the growth and continued trends towards supporting (and eating) local and the connection between our local Chefs and the Market.

Monday Jul 04, 2016
Episode 100 "The first 100"
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Monday Jul 04, 2016
#100 – We did it! We hit our first major milestone with episode 100. Passing this threshold would have felt off if we had anyone other than Mr. Blayne Prowse as our guest. There would not have been an episode100 without him. There would not have been an episode 1 without him!
Jon, Darren and Blayne take this opportunity to reflect on the podcasts beginnings and through it’s hurdles, adjustments,refinements and victories. They also speak to where EdibleValley is heading for the next 100 episodes – format, guests, and changes. Listen in and find out some of their favorite episodes, some that may have been a little more challenging and some that changed their lives entirely.
Thanks for tuning in. We share this milestone with you, our cherished audience. Thank you!

Tuesday May 31, 2016
Episode 97 "Summer Events"
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
With summer quickly approaching Darren and Jonathan sit down to discuss some of the interesting events that are taking place around the Comox Valley.

Monday Apr 11, 2016
Episode 95 "Aprils Checkup"
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Monday Apr 11, 2016
Once again the boys take a moment to catch up with what's going on in their busy lives and give an update on what's about to happen in our exciting Edible Valley.