The Edible Valley Podcast

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Episode 182 " To diet or not to diet?"
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
As Darren undertakes the new challenge of improving his diet and losing a bit of his newfound Covid weight, Jonathan and William offer their ideas and support as they all discuss what exactly is a diet, and what is a healthy approach to dieting.
It’s an illuminating conversation on how to keep your health and well being in mind while improving yourself!

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Episode 112 "Tales from Flavour 2016"
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Finally after a long wait: Flavour - The North Vancouver Island Picnic! We were lucky to have Darren walk the grounds of Flavour while recording interviews with many exibitors and guest to find out who they were, what they brought and why they were there. Please enjoy, we sure did.

Monday Jul 04, 2016
Episode 100 "The first 100"
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Monday Jul 04, 2016
#100 – We did it! We hit our first major milestone with episode 100. Passing this threshold would have felt off if we had anyone other than Mr. Blayne Prowse as our guest. There would not have been an episode100 without him. There would not have been an episode 1 without him!
Jon, Darren and Blayne take this opportunity to reflect on the podcasts beginnings and through it’s hurdles, adjustments,refinements and victories. They also speak to where EdibleValley is heading for the next 100 episodes – format, guests, and changes. Listen in and find out some of their favorite episodes, some that may have been a little more challenging and some that changed their lives entirely.
Thanks for tuning in. We share this milestone with you, our cherished audience. Thank you!

Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Episode 89 " What to do with Food Prices"
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Switching gears for this episode, we invited a few friends (Arzeena Hamir and Blayne Prowse) to discuss the issue of rising produce costs. Specifically, 'How did we get here?', and 'What can we do about it?'. We are living in a time when our current models are starting to fail us, and new models, or outright change from the ground up is required. It was an illuminating chat with some great ideas and options, and an interesting new format for the Edible Valley. We hope to pepper in a few of these throughout the year - let us know what you think!

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Episode 86 "Catching up with Blayne Prowse"
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
With Chef Jonathan away at food shows Blayne steps in to catch up with Darren to talk about what is going on in his life.

Saturday Jul 06, 2013
Episode 42-Helen Grond of Middle Mountain Mead
Saturday Jul 06, 2013
Saturday Jul 06, 2013
Helen Grond contacted us a few weeks ago to let us know she was appreciating the podcast, and offer some words of encouragement. She revealed that, with her husband, they own and operate Middle Mountain Mead on Hornby Island. Along with being a local farmer and producer, Helen has also been living the Paleo lifestyle for five years and belongs to a Paleo inspired group on the island. It was a great conversation with someone who is very educated about the issues of our present day food systems and wishes to help others to create food security in their own lives. Thanks Helen, it was great to meet you!

Friday May 31, 2013
Edible Valley Food Facts #2-Chicken
Friday May 31, 2013
Friday May 31, 2013
Darren Howlett and Jonathan Frazier join up again to talk food. In this episode of Edible Valley Food Facts, the boys sit down to talk chicken. Poultry being such an important part of many of our diets, we thought it would be fun to look into where it comes from and how it gets to our plate. With many questions about the terms used to describe chicken we did some investigating to find out some of the differences between organic, free range , and free run. Also we tried touching in on grading , inspections, breeds and classification. With an amazing amount of information out there to learn the two of us have had a chance to scratch the surface of this interesting subject.

Wednesday May 22, 2013
Episode 37- Paleo with Dr. Don Wilson
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Our great pleasure to bring to you our friend Dr. Don Wilson to the Edible Valley studio. Don has been following the show since last fall, and was happy to come in to talk about the Paleo lifestyle, indigenous foods, and oolican oil! From the early days in Bella Bella eating wild seafood, to today searching out the cleanest foods possible in "Paleo Paradise", Don has much to share about the journey to heath and wellness. Thanks Don for teaching us all a number of things for vitality, avoiding illness, fermenting (find Sandor Katz book here) and the microbiome!
Thanks for listening to the Edible Valley podcast. We gratefully accept donations to help with our hosting, as well as contributions of food ingredients to the Edible Valley test kitchen. Please feel free to contact us by email, follow our twitter feed (@ediblevalley) and like our facebook page

Monday May 20, 2013
Episode 36- Catching up
Monday May 20, 2013
Monday May 20, 2013
We failed to get organized and secure a guest for this week, so it is a chance for a catch up show with Jon and Blayne.
Blayne has been busy, touring around the island visiting people and places. He also signed up for an online Permaculture Design Course. The course is offered by Geoff Lawton, arguably the foremost instructor of Permaculture in the world, and is based at the Permaculture Research Institute in Australia. Blayne is also trying to create a list of protein producers in the Comox Valley doing it right, pasture and grass based, with no G.M.O. feed for hogs or chickens. If you have any input please join the Comox Valley Paleo group on Facebook.
Jon has been working hard in the Cafe, getting set to launch a new menu, and ramping up for the ever busy summer season. He is also taking part in the B.C. Shellfish Festival Gala Dinner. This event is sold out, and promises to be a special meal for all in attendance. The N.V.I.C.A. installation dinner is coming up soon, with a pig roast at Dove Creek hall. Should be delicious!
Thanks for listening to the Edible Valley podcast. We gratefully accept donations to help with our hosting, as well as contributions of food ingredients to the Edible Valley test kitchen. Please feel free to contact us by email, follow our twitter feed (@ediblevalley) and like our facebook page

Sunday May 12, 2013
Episode 35- Dyan Spink from Royston Roasting Company
Sunday May 12, 2013
Sunday May 12, 2013
Much to the dismay of our former producer Drex, we finally had the coffee lady in! Dyan Spink of Royston Roasting Company was able to join us in the studio to talk about there new cafe, the business of coffee, fair trade and other interesting bits of the coffee trade. With her husband Gary they have built a hugely successful business supporting local charity and fundraisers, as well as giving locals their morning buzz! Thanks Dyan!
Thanks for listening to the Edible Valley podcast. We gratefully accept donations to help with our hosting, as well as contributions of food ingredients to the Edible Valley test kitchen. Please feel free to contact us by email, follow our twitter feed (@ediblevalley) and like our facebook page